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dc.contributor.authorМатківська, Христина Степанівна-
dc.contributor.authorЗачко, Олег Богданович-
dc.identifier.citationMatkivska Н.S. , Zachko O.B. Models of HR management in security-oriented systems (on the example of civil defense) [Text]: monograph / Matkivska Н., B. Zachko O. – Riga : ISMA, 2023. – P. 268-276.
dc.descriptionREFERENCES: 1. Voytushenko, A., Bushuyev, S. (2020), "Development of creative potential of project managers: Determination of components and results of research, achievements in the field of intelligent systems and computing" ["Rozvytok tvorchoho potencialy kerivnykiv proektiv: Vyznachennja skladovyh ta rezyltativ doslidjen, dosjahnen v haluzi intelektyalnyh system ta obchysluvanoi techniky"], 1080 AISC, P. 283 - 292. 2. Zasukha, I., Bushuyev, S., Bushuyeva, V. (2021), "Concentric model of the digital footprint of projects" ["Koncentrycnha model cyfrovoho slidu proektiv"], International scientific journal "Grail of Science", No 8, P. 193-201. 3. Zachko, O., Rak, Y., Rak, T. (2008), "Approaches to the formation of a portfolio of projects to improve the life safety system" ["Pidchody do formuvannja portfelja proektiv z udoskonalennja bezpeky zhyttjedijalnosti"], Project management and production development: Collection of scientific papers, Luhansk, V. Dahl East Ukrainian National University, No. 3 (27), P. 54-61.4. Kovalchuk, O., Kobylkin, D., Zachko, O. (2022), "Digitalization of personnel management processes of project-oriented organizations in the field of security" ["Dydzitalizacia procesiv upravlinnja personalom proektno-orientovanyh orhanizacij u sferi bezpeky "], ITPM, P. 183 - 195. 5. Bushuyev, S., Bushuyev, D., Rusan, N. (2017), "Emotional intelligence - a driver of the development of breakthrough project competencies" ["Emocijnyj intellect – drajver rozvytku proryvnyh proektnych kompetencij"], Materials of the 12th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, CSIT, 2, article No 8099418, P. 1- 6. 6. Bushuyev S., Dorosh, M., Shakun, N. (2016), "Innovative thinking in the formation of new project management methodologies" ["Innovacijne myslennja u formuvanni novych metodologij upravlinnja proektamy"], Management of complex systems development, P. 49 - 57. 7. Bushuyev S., Bushuyev D., Bushuyeva V. (2020), "Interaction of a multilayer model of emotional contagion with the Earn Value method in the process of project management" ["Vzaemodija bahatosharovoi modeli emocijnoho zarazennja z metodom Earn Value v procesi upravlinnja proektamy"], Materials of the International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, No 2, P. 146 - 150.en_US
dc.description.abstractAbstract. Human resource management is one of the management areas that has undergone significant changes in project-oriented organizations. Project organizations have to plan and develop alternative methods of human resource management, find modern strategies of how to manage employees or how they should be managed. Like all other strategies of organizations, the HR management strategy of civil protection is aimed at helping the organization to increase productivity. Project human resource management in civil protection intends to define the main objectives and determine the leadership of the project team to successfully achieve these objectives and successfully complete the project. The paper presents processes of components and interactions between project team members that will allow team members to stay focused and motivated. To this end, the paper describes the processes of human resource management planning, obtaining a project team, and developing and managing a project team.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipMatkivska Hrystyna Stepanivna (Матківська Христина Степанівна) - adjunct full-time student Lviv State University of Life Safety, 2387, [email protected], 0988502954 Zachko Oleg Bogdanovich (Зачко Олег Богданович) - honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Lviv State University of Life Safety,, [email protected], 0676880060 Відомості про авторів: Матківська Христина Степанівна- ад’юнкт денної форми навчання докторантури / ад’юнктури Львівського державного університету безпеки життєдіяльності,, [email protected], 0988502954 Зачко Олег Богданович - заслужений діяч науки й техніки України, доктор технічних наук, професор Львівського державного університету безпеки життєдіяльності,, [email protected], 0676880060en_US
dc.subjectpersonnel management, project human resource management, human resources, HR managementen_US
dc.titleModels of HR management in security-oriented systems (on the example of civil defense)en_US
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