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Title: Встановлення часу оперативного розгортання пожежно-рятувальних підрозділів для ліквідації пожежі в умовах міста
Authors: Гуліда Е.М., Войтович Д.П.
Keywords: ORS CP units, operational actions, rapid deployment, the mathematical model, a fractional factorial experiment.
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Проблемы пожарной безопасности: Сб. науч. трудов. – Харьков
Series/Report no.: Вып. 37.;
Abstract: For the rapid deployment of ORS CP necessary depending on the type of object to know its projected duration. To this aim, methodology of experimental studies of the process based on a fractional factorial experiment are planned. As a result of experiments received the time dependence deploy depending on the number of branches that are involved in the operational deployment; the total number of technical devices which used for feeding extinguisher substances; on the number of water sources used during fire suppression, as well as the floor of the building where the fire have been occurred.
ISSN: 2304-6112
Appears in Collections:2015

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