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Title: Визначення критичного радіуса теплової ізоляції багатошарової сферичної огороджувальної конструкції
Authors: Тацій, Роман Мар'янович
Стасюк, Марта Федорівна
Пазен, Олег Юрійович
Шипот, Любомир Сергійович
Keywords: critical radius of insulation, multilayered spherical enclosure, heat transfer
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: ЛДУ БЖД
Abstract: Solved the problem of determining the distribution of one-dimensional stationary temperature field in a multilayered spherical construction, taking into account the internal heat sources. On the basis of the obtained solution the were conducted numerous researches to determine the critical thickness of the layer of thermal insulation multilayered spherical enclosures. The received analytical solution makes it possible to establish that under the condition of convective heat transfer between the surface of construction and the environment, the number of layers and the intensity of the internal heat source does not affect the thickness of the insulation layer. Numerous studies mentioned in the paper can be adapted to determine the critical radius of thermal insulation multilayered cylindrical constructions.
Appears in Collections:2017

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