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Title: Ризики енергетичної безпеки в умовах впровадження в Україні оцінювання відповідності
Аssessment of compliance due energy safety factors
Authors: Рудик Юрій Іванович
Куць Віктор
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Współczesne problemy bezpieczeństwa państwa : księga pamiątkowa ku czci Tomasza Jana Biedronia / red. Olga Wasiuta, Przemysław Mazur. Stalowa Wola : Katedra Pedagogiki Katolickiej, 2017 : 313-335
Abstract: There is a problem in Ukraine considering the risks of energy security under implementation assessment of compliance technical systems by requirements of EU technical regulations. This article examines the experience in the present stage of technical regulation in Ukraine aimed at achieving EU level requirements and eliminating barriers to trade, providing the transition from a system of mandatory certification to compliance assessment systems according to require ments of technical regulations. The special part of these requirements are relating with product safety, processes and services safety to con sumers. However, the whole safety of human life is achieved even regulation of life support systems. Hereby required combined use of risk assessment and compliance assessment. It is based on the analy sis of row industrial accidents and disasters.
ISBN: 978-83-63835-70-5
Appears in Collections:2017

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