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Results 1-10 of 13 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-09-17Safety-focused Stakeholder Management in Civil Protection ProjectsIvanusa, A.; Yemelyanenko, S.; Yakovchuk, R.; Ivanusa, Z.
2020Models and mechanisms management of program projects of socio-economic development the ter-ritoriesZachko, I.; Ivanusa, A.; Zachko, O.
2021FDS simulation of fire spreading on facade heat insulating systemYakovchuk, R.; Kuzyk, A.; Kagitin, O.; Ivanusa, A.; Yemelyanenko, S.
2021Models of content management of infrastructure projects mono-templates under the influence of project changesКобилкін, Дмитро Сергійович; Zachko, O.; Ratushny, R.; Ivanusa, A.; Wolff, C.
2017-05-29Modified humidity-sensitive ceramics for microelectronics studied by PALS systemKlym, H.; Dunets, R.; Ivanusa, A.; Kostiv, Yu.; Vasylchyshyn, I.
2017-08-23Positron-positronium trapping effects near grain boundaries and in nanopores in the modified MgO-Al2O3 ceramicsKlym, H.; Ingram, A.; Shpotyuk, O.; Hadzaman, I.; Karbovnyk, I.; Kostiv, Yu.; Ivanusa, A.
2017-09-11Crystallization ability of 80GeSe2-20Ga2Se3 glasses caused by thermal Treatment studied by XRD methodKlym, H.; Shpotyuk, O.; Calvez, L.; Ivanusa, A.
2017-09-11Development of intelligent computer system and database for microclimate monitoring and controlKlym, H.; Berezko, O.; Vasylchyshyn, I.; Ivanusa, A.
2017-08-28Cyber-physical system and database for microclimate monitoring with using nanostructured sensor elementsKlym, H.; Dunets, R.; Ivanusa, A.
2017-09-05Mechanism of fire risk management in projects of safe operation of place for assemblage of peopleYemelyanenko, S.; Ivanusa, A.; Klym, H.