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dc.contributor.authorStarodub, Yuriy-
dc.contributor.authorBatyuk, Vitaly-
dc.identifier.citationZeszyty Studenckie Pro Publico Bonouk
dc.descriptionThe determination and modeling of the critical values of the stress-strain state of the soil mass influenced by
dc.description.abstractIn order to solve the tasks of civilian protection services, the method for modeling of the soil layer reaction under the engineering objects on the tectonic, seismic and other ecological and geophysical influences of the stress-strain state of the earth's crust in the engineering objects vicinity is developed. An algorithm for usage the finite element method is elaborated. The physical and mathematical formulation of the problem is carried out. Problem is solved on test examples. Solid models of engineering structures functioning for which the stress-deformation characteristics of the soil mass are simulated are developed. The theoretical determination and modeling of the critical values of the stress-strain state of the soil mass influenced by loads are carried out. The last allows predicting the nature of the influence of ecological-geophysical mechanical processes in the environment on the determination of stability of engineering structures. The stress-strain processes of the solid rock mass are explored, as a result of which there are extraordinary situations of natural and man-made
dc.publisherMain School of Fire Service,Warsawuk
dc.relation.ispartofseries;no. 1, pp. 93-104-
dc.subjectcivil protection, finite element method, modeling, engineering objectsuk
dc.titleInvestigation of Civil Objects Protection with the Use of Finite Element Modeling Methoduk
Appears in Collections:2017

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